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A Superapp Is an All-Powerful, Do-Everything App, Right?

An iSuperApp has just become even more powerful with built-in intelligence. This enhancement leverages advanced AI capabilities to provide smarter, more intuitive interactions, and personalized experiences. Users can now benefit from real-time insights, predictive analytics, and automated processes, making the iSuperApp an indispensable tool for both personal and professional use.


Think of an iSuperApp As...

A mobile app that provides end users—whether customers, partners, or employees—with a set of core features, reinforced by extensibility through miniapps and enhanced by AI capabilities. This ensures a versatile and intelligent platform that can adapt to diverse needs and deliver a seamless, personalized experience.


Why, What and How!

  • 1Why do we need a superapp?

    Superapps enhance user convenience and efficiency by consolidating multiple functionalities into a single platform.

  • 2What are the key superapp functions and examples?

    Key functions include messaging, payments, and e-commerce, with examples like WeChat and Grab.

  • 3How can we deliver a workforce superapp?

    We can deliver a workforce superapp by integrating essential business tools and leveraging AI to streamline workflows and increase productivity.


Why Do We Need an iSuperApp?

The Design of an App

Traditional apps have a number of features with a conventional app design focused on specific functions.

The Design of a iSuperApp

iSuperApp features numerous miniapps, with a SuperApp design built around AI ambition, creating an intelligent, versatile, and extensible platform.

How Superapps Are Different

Superapps integrate core features into a unified platform, boast a versatile design with miniapps, foster a robust app ecosystem, facilitate seamless data sharing, and enhance user discovery through intelligent, AI-driven interactions.

Key CapabilitiesTraditional Web/Mobile AppComposite App/PortaliSuperApp
Core features to draw in users (e.g., payments, communications)May beMay beYes
Design and development framework for miniappsNoMay beYes
Publication mechanism for miniapps ecosystemNoNoYes
Data sharing between superapp and miniappsNoMay beYes
User discovery and activation of miniappsNoNoYes

What Makes an App “Super”?

A SuperApp is user-activated, enabling seamless data sharing and integration. It supports miniapp development and publication, creating a dynamic ecosystem where users can access a wide range of functionalities within a single, intelligent platform.

Core Features

User Activated

Data Sharing


Miniapp Development

Miniapp Publication

What Are the Key iSuperApp Functions and Examples?

Emerging Superapps in the Digital Workplace

Workforce Superapps

  • The three most popular superapps widely used in digital workplace in Chinese organizations.
  • They provide capabilities of new work hub, business role hub, employee engagement hub, technology services hub and employee services hub in digital workplace.

Ways to Improve Digital Employee Experience

  • 1Core Collaboration Feature
  • 2Open Platform for Ecosystem
  • 3Role-Specific Miniapp

Remote Workers:
myVirtuos Mobile

  • 1myVirtuos Mobile allows all Virtuos employees and its contractors to manage business transactions, access productivity tools, news, videos, communications and other content.
  • 2Built on a low-code platform and supports more than 11 miniapps.

An iSuperApp Platform Architecture Is Composable

An iSuperapp Platform Architecture is composable, allowing a developer community to contribute to a diverse ecosystem of miniapps. This architecture leverages a SuperApp Backend for Frontend and integrates AI, ensuring a seamless and intelligent user experience.

Miniapp 1
Miniapp 2
Capability 1
Capability 2
Capability 3
Superapp A
Miniapp 3
Miniapp 4
Miniapp 5
Development Community
Miniapp SDK/Tools
Miniapp Catalog
Miniapp 6
Miniapp 7
Capability 1
Capability 2
Superapp B

Ways to Deliver Workforce iSuperApps

Utilize a development platform for rapid deployment, engage in ground-up custom development for tailored solutions, and integrate comprehensive digital workplace solutions to enhance productivity and collaboration.

Development Platform

  • Low-code application platform.
  • Mobile app development platform.
  • Pros: Flexibility and speed.
  • Cons: Maintaining platform innovation by vendor; licensing costs.

Ground-Up Custom Development

  • Internal mobile app development and platform teams.
  • Outsourced systems integrator.
  • Pros: Build exactly what suits your workforce; low-licensing costs.
  • Cons: Significant investment in talent and resources.

Digital Workplace Solution

  • Messaging and communications solutions.
  • Intranet solutions.
  • Pros: Broader use cases and ready to deploy.
  • Cons: Limitations on miniapps; more proprietary.

Next Steps

  • 1Determine if an iSuperApp helps to better achieve business objectives for employees.
  • 2Evaluate the technology and talent needed to sustain a superapp platform.
  • 3Enlist business technologists and fusion teams to create miniapp building community.